So, it seems you woke up in an alternate universe & you’re the only one who doesn’t seem to speak the language. It sounds like English, but you just can’t seem to remember learning about this thing that seems to be on everyones lips & minds. All you hear is “crypto”, “Crypto”, “Cryptocurrency”… “Bitcoin!” Why is everyone so excited & should you even care to find out if it’s just a fad, or something to stay & change the way things are done, forever.
Well, it’s all of the above & more. But what’s important is the disruptive nature of not only Cryptocurrencies, but the technology behind where those Cryptos live & operate, the Blockchain. In today’s world, things move at increased speeds daily, and if you’re not “on top of your game”, you may just be giving your competitors an advantage, you’ll never be able to recover from.
From ‘Low Fee’ payments with the ability to move around globe, instantaneously… to the ability to save ones entire ‘Educational, Health & Working Background’ onto a publicly accessible borderless ecosystem, thereby ensuring those who might befall situations where they may be refugees, don’t have to start over again because of lost, destroyed or detained paperwork, as it can all be uploaded onto a Blockchain. The use cases are endless, and that is why globally, there has been a major shift into the future of these technologies & what they bring into the lives of those who need & use them most.
Sounds cool right? But what are some of these Real World use-cases that exist, or is all this just theory?
Well, here’s a peek at a couple of them;
The Covid-19 Pandemic has made it impossible for some to survive, Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin have made it possible for Creatives, Content Creators, Writers, Designers, Accountants, Lawyers, etc… to be paid for their creations & services without having to pay huge fees or wait days on end from banks.
They have allowed for Towns like El Zonte in El Salvador to survive, save & thrive at a time where Covid had battered their economy & ability to live. People were able to pay for food, surfing lessons & even split bills in Bitcoin. So much so that the country announced that they will be adding Bitcoin as Legal Tender in El Salvador later this year, making it the First Nation in the world to do so.
Nice right? But, what about Namibia? We’re not sitting this one out. Some Namibians have already altered their business models & marketing strategies to include Bitcoin & to educate others on the use cases they could benefit from. You can find out more on how I’ve been able to use the power of the Blockchain and the Lightning network to fund my podcast #FromTheJump in a recent Medium article.
About the Author: Namibian Podcaster & Creative Entrepreneur, Nikolai “OKIN” Tjongarero.