Soon after the invention of the wagon, someone was able to move logs around much more easily. And shortly after that, someone had a wagon run over their leg. Wagons were used to deliver food but they also were put to use hauling weapons around.
The cyber-optimists believe that the wheel of technology turns towards progress, perfecting our life a bit more each day. In which prior century would you rather live?
The cyber-pessimists view technological change as a threat, to be examined daily and guarded against with vigilance.
Neither default position is defensible or sustainable.
Technological change doesn’t always make things better. It often comes with significant side effects and costs. And yet, thanks for the vigilance and hard work of some folks, technology also has a long track record of making us safer, healthier and even happier.
The cyber-realist sees both and is focused on being careful about systemic change and lock-in, especially for cultural and organizational changes that are hard to walk away from.